I am finally realizing just how presumptious i have been.
I feel an apology along with my thanks is very much in order.
I am as exited as a 68 year old man can be about finding a
website dedicated to what seems to have become another
obcessionof mine.
In readin diferent threads i see i have found a group of avid
collectors. I just asumed everyon wanted to distill the
i hang with this group of distillers
Naturally being a yank i dont know very much about
other countrys. sorry
well having said that i hope that i dont seem or get
too bold.
Let me change the subject a bit now.
The USA is a very diferent place than the post ww2 of 50 years
ago. It was not uncommon to know folks who were born in diferent
i grew up in my dads store-- all sorts of accents and totally
foriegn languages were spoken there often.
at any rate, i have many friends up north that are irish
decent.KELLYS related by marriage--ennis and isles related by
growing up in the same town--mcloughlins just friends for years
and the list goes on. they are waiting for me to come up with a
batch of
fitzgeralds IRISH style whiskey so when they visit cocoa beach this winter i can drive
over and give them a taste and perhaps even allow them to
smuggle a drop or to to the Mc Loughlins or the kellys.
the ennis tribe comes to florida in the winter.
Well i just wanted to say something about being presumptious and
naturally ramble on a bit.. I guess i should confess that my
rambling is not blarney but just italian blabbing.