NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
DavidH wrote:The zombie banks have already succumbed. It may be too late.
I've eaten brain; it's not so bad.
IainB wrote:Just a warning to everyone - so far in recent times we've had economic disaster, flooding, extended freezes and now a great plume of volcanic ash. This can all only be leading up to one thing - a major Zombie attack.
I strongly advise you all to get yourselves a shotgun, a chainsaw and plently of tinned food. Also put out some cauliflower in the garden. It temorarily confuses the zombies due to it's superficial resemblance to a brain, giving you more time to make your escape.
You have been warned!
JohnM wrote:IainB wrote:Just a warning to everyone - so far in recent times we've had economic disaster, flooding, extended freezes and now a great plume of volcanic ash. This can all only be leading up to one thing - a major Zombie attack.
I strongly advise you all to get yourselves a shotgun, a chainsaw and plently of tinned food. Also put out some cauliflower in the garden. It temorarily confuses the zombies due to it's superficial resemblance to a brain, giving you more time to make your escape.
You have been warned!
I don't know - a zombie's life doesn't seem like a bad one. Very few responsibilities anyway. Would it affect my VHI premium?
John wrote:Best solution all round is to give them Mad Cow brains - they get something they like and you don't get eaten because your would-be attacker is transformed into a ruminating vegetarian. Win-win situation and no need for hours of clean-up afterwards. Sorted.
varizoltan wrote:i have 2 shotguns, a rifle with a 243 barrel for small Zombies, and a 300 WinMag barrel for big Zombies,
i have hundreds of bottles of whiskey, so i think i am prepared,
but the only thing is, this is all at home, and i can not get a flight becouse of vulcanic cloud all over europe![]()
IainB wrote:varizoltan wrote:i have 2 shotguns, a rifle with a 243 barrel for small Zombies, and a 300 WinMag barrel for big Zombies,
i have hundreds of bottles of whiskey, so i think i am prepared,
but the only thing is, this is all at home, and i can not get a flight becouse of vulcanic cloud all over europe![]()
You know I knew the minute I saw you'd posted that you'd have the weaponry we needed. I hadn't thought that it might be in Hungary. Have you also got a chainsaw?
I suppose you could douse them in that Midleton 2004 you don't like and set them on fire. Seems a rather expensive solution though.
John wrote:It's not all good news though Iain. Mad cow Zombies are known to be very nervous milkers and there is always a temptation for a proportion of the 'non-Mad cow Zombie' population to barricade themselves in until they are sure that the Mad cow Zombies have become placid. Sadly, by so doing, they run out of milk and are forced to approach the Mad cow Zombies for some lactose refreshment. Without the proper training and without sufficiently warm hands, this could end very badly and may cause a large scale reversion to the more direct 'Shotgun/Chainsaw' population management tool.
Please contact the Mad Cow Zombie Milking in Safety Society (MCZMiSS) for more information.
varizoltan wrote:it may be a good idea to join my force with Iain's all right, i suggest to meet you in Leitrim tonight and talk about it
we can protect the Wicklow coast.
John and Dave would yous look after the Dublin coast![]()
Adrien look after the Galway coast![]()
volunteers needed for the rest please to save Ireland from zombies
IainB wrote:IWC you are a strange man but that was hilarious!![]()