IainB wrote:
Just one little thing to add here - apparently the Woodford Reserve bourbon you currently buy isn't all from the Woodford pot still distillery but is blended with bourbon from Brown Forman's other distillery - Early Times, which is not a pot still operation.
Still good whiskey though.
Brown Forman also own Jack Daniels. Personally i dislike the entire company from Jack Daniels to Canadian Mist to Southern Comfort. That being said, the woodford reserve distillery itself is a bit of a diamond in the rut. Jack Daniels have a really terrible habit of filtering whiskey and presenting that as a premium product. in my opinion they sell liquor like petroleum and advertise whiskey like vodka, convincing many that what they should be looking for is not interesting flavour but rather no flavour at all. The whole 'so smooth you can drink it straight' line of thinking. Its not so much the sheer presence of bottom shelf spirit which is fine and, of course, inevitable so much as the fraud of products like gentleman jack etc and the money they pour into advertising a luxury culture of nothing at all that gets on my nerves. It actually really irritates the hell out of me.
On the subject of woodford reserve, i'm very happy to see the pot still return to bourbon where it used to be king although, again, its frustrating when the bosses at BF pull a stunt like the one iain mentioned above. i'd just like some honesty from them