Strangely I have no preferred distillery as I have some favourites from all and there are also some that I can take or leave and it does not neccessaily mean the cheaper expressions.
So what do
I want ....
IDL ... As previously expressed a quality 15yo PPS but at a reasonable price point. Redbreast 15yo may have legendary status but had an original reasonable price point which made it attractive ... please have a look at what your scottish cousins charge for a 15 year old ... and at the end of the day it is all whiskey and pretty much on a par for effor and skill to create so don't take the preverbials in your costings

Bushmills ... please, please, please more of those wonderful single casks again please take heed of your pricing.
Cooley: a constant supply of a more robust peated expression like the cadenheads releases would be appreciated.
Irishman: more releases of the rare cask series but again more realistic pricing as I won't be buying other wise. The original price point was even over the top for a one off non aged cask strength expression. However to continue this wuld be to flog a dead horse.
I really have to jump on the soap box here in relation to the pricing issue ... I feel the Irish Whiskey industry is really being very disingenuous towards its Irish customers ... with tax and duty issues aside they are still marking up the price far in excess to other markets.
If the industry wants to try and grow their market in these trying times they really need to get a grip on the pricing structures of their products. I cannot understand that they fail to take into account how scotch is sold at certain price levels. Look around you and forget the Celtic tiger which is dead and gone ..................