by PureDrop » Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:07 pm
Actually my comments would echo Leo's.
However, the forum serves a few purposes at present
1) the chat type stuff
2) the interim repository of useful information that will one day deliver static content or at least be associated/linked from a static webpage.
3) the source of information on the society events.
I'd leave all the chatty ones as they now are in a big lump.
However, I'd restore the sub for or devoted to (or generating) what will become static(ish) content on the website:
- the tastes of particular whiskeys (although in time, they might migrate to the more static content parts of the web related to each whiskey with ability to post comments)
- those related to Whiskey Literature
- Ditto again the society tastings/events should have their own sub-forum - if I was picky, I'd relabel each from "February 2010 'Whiskey 101' (25th)" to "February 25, 2010 Whiskey 101" - I think the exact date in brackets is odd and non-intuitive,
Originally, there were ~15 sub-fora which was too many (IMHO). However some of them were/are really placeholders for the main site and thus valid until the main content goes live.
I guess now that there's a smaller number, one might question the need for so many stickies.
(I find it amusing that we've more forum members than readers of the "Read the forum rules" - such is life!)
One weird thing I'll share with you. I've been on websites from the very beginning (NCSA mosaic etc.) but for some reason failed to register the existence of the sub-menus under Forum (.e. new posts and active posts) for a few weeks. Now, I generally come to the forum via a link to "new posts"
For a newbie,/occasional visitor, its probably an improvement with fewer subfora.
For the dedicated, I can feel their pain.
Well done & despair not.