You just reminded me of buying whiskey in Irish bars... I was
away with the misses lately for a nice long week-end. We stayed
in 2 different hotels both 4*.
In one I paid 5.50 for
a Redbreast 12yo in the other 10.00

My local sells it for 4.50
I very rarely drink anything above the standard
whiskey's in Irish pubs these as you never know if your going to
be ripped off or not. There is no common standard which is just
just crazy and then they wonder why people don't go to the
Further what is this thing about charging 3
times the price of the retail price per shot.
What I
mean by retail price is if a bottle costs 25 quid in the shops
and you take 20 shots per bottle (this is very rough so don't
pull me up on the ) that works out at 1.25 per shot so the pub
price is 3.75. That is fair enough we all can live with that.
take a 100Euro bottle / 20 shots = 5Euro per shot and that puts
the pub price at 15Euro.
So for the same barman with
the same glass and same work involved there is a grose profit of
2.50 for one pour but 10Euro for the other. Really annoys me
that they do it like that. I usderstand that a pub need to
probably cj=harge more for having more expensive stock on the
premises but they still should have a fairer pricing system and
they will sell more. I just can't understand the mentality.
Maybe I'm just thick