NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
JohnM wrote:Very nice. If you're interested, a Tullamore mini has gone on eBay for stg£150 and an Old Comber a snip at £199. Being sold by a Dutch seller, I think. A lot of money for some minis.
shanel23 wrote:I have no idea what it's worth - but I do remember when I bought the miniature ( which was in the States of all places ) that the guy was telling ( maybe he was spoofing ? ) that it was a rare one as JW were testing the idea of a liqueur of their whisky and produced so many as samples but got a fairly negative feedback on the stuff that they pulled the idea of a full production - thats why the full bottle is £600 ( as I said purely for the rarity not the quality as it's not good at all )
Tsolias wrote:Glad someone started this thread, as I am also a mini collector (decided to drink most of my standard size bottles)
Should anyone have any spare whisky minis, I'm open for trade-exchange. Sooner or later I'll put them in an excel file and post the list, for now I only have them written down in a block paper.