NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
Michael Foggarty wrote:€37.99 available now
jcskinner wrote:... when I was in getting my Kilbeggan test tubes,
varizoltan wrote:it is in a nice package, have to say
something unusual
Fionnán wrote:Just had my first sip of this today; noticed that the label claims that 'this is a style of whiskey that was popular in Joyce's day"... is there really a historical precedent for malt/pps blends or is this just wily marketing?
DavidH wrote:So you are saying that the Writers Tears brand was developed at the behest of the Russian market? That's quite clever. It makes sense that a writers theme would appeal to the Russians; and they do like their literature somewhat tragic, hence the tears
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:I suppose naming is quite important in certian markets and what may suit one market may not suit another. i.e. Marathon versus snikers bar.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:Just recieve some info from my KGB contact (You know who you are AK)
Andrew wrote:I don't think that Writers Tears whiskey specifically for the Russian market.
For Russian who does not speak English it sounds like "Wrri- Wrri -Wrrieess"