Hi All,
I would just like to send out a word of thanks to Ryan, Eamonn and Cormac from the Dingle Distillery for their hospitality etc. on our recent visit down there.
I was on a mini-tour of West Kerry and managed to take in Tralee, the Conor Pass, Slea Head and Dingle and thought it would be a great opportunity to finally see how things were progressing down there. The three guys were very helpful; answered all our questions with a great degree of knowledge and professionalism; provided some very interesting samples and all in all were very hospitable. I have to say that I'm impressed with the tasting samples that we were provided with and hopefully if things progress in line with the recent developments then the distillery will be producing some excellent whiskey over the next few years.
As for the title? Well, I don't want to ruin all the surprises so you'll have to pay a visit down there yourselves and find out what that's all about!