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Dodgy Bottles and fake Whiskey

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Dodgy Bottles and fake Whiskey

Postby Good Whiskey Hunting » Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:36 pm

Hi all,

I like to draw peoples attention to the possibility that there are some fake whiskey bottles out there. With the increased interest in Irish Whiskey as late there has been a rise in the number of collectors. As supply is small and demand has increased the value has skyrocketed.

I am a avid collector and have stopped buying of late as the prices are getting too high for me. I sold a large chunk of my collection a couple of years ago and was glad to have made some other collectors happy. It was all in the chase anyway.

I attach some pictures of labels, capsules and old bottles that remain in my collection + the dust.

Midleton 10 #1.JPG
Midleton 10 year old label
Midleton 10 #1.JPG (176.43 KiB) Viewed 1275 times

Midleton 10 #2.JPG
Midleton lead capsules
Midleton 10 #2.JPG (163.58 KiB) Viewed 1275 times

Midleton 10 #3.JPG
Collection of various bottles from Burkes to Redbreast
Midleton 10 #3.JPG (173.62 KiB) Viewed 1275 times

Midleton 10 #4.JPG
Old Paddy
Midleton 10 #4.JPG (159.29 KiB) Viewed 1275 times

This is the dregs of a Paddy 10 year old from the 50's that was recently drank. It was the real deal. But an empty bottle of cheap old Paddy can easily be turned into an €1000 bottle of Midleton 10.
Midleton 10 #5.JPG
Old Cork Distillery bottle + dirt
Midleton 10 #5.JPG (146.36 KiB) Viewed 1275 times

As you can see all the bits are there for someone to start to put together a bottle of Midleton 10 year old say. These were all bought at various auctions over the last few years. My fear was that someone out there was also buying up this stuff and making their own batches of whiskey and selling them on trough an reputable Auction like McTears to give it some provenance. Sadly there is so little information out there on Irish Whiskeys and less people out there with the right knowledge that this is going to happen. I have been duped in the past and was very lucky to get my money back.
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Re: Dodgy Bottles and fake Whiskey

Postby IrishWhiskeyChaser » Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:13 pm

Yes we have to be very vigilant of possible fakes.

As you spotted GWH McTears have a possible fake on their hands.

We'll wait and see what comes of it but it would be good know if the serial numbers correspond to the labels sold at auction or not.

It's hard to make out the serial number but it does look very close in numbers that were sold at auction and the fact it is so pristine makes for a compelling arguement that it is a fake.
Further the L967 on GWH's label is very similar to that of the bottle on the McTears site. This I am thinking maybe the original Lot number for the batch's of labels sold at auction.
These labels can be bought at various collectors fairs also so if someone bought them at auction and sold them on through a fair God only knows where they ended up.

It also brings into question some of the other bottles that were sold also. I'd be fairly cautions of the Jameson lot 703 and the fact every one seems to have a fill level at the neck shoulder area as logic would make one think they'd all be different. ... rer=browse
MidletonPossibleFake.jpg (59.07 KiB) Viewed 1267 times
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Re: Dodgy Bottles and fake Whiskey

Postby Raven » Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:23 pm

Very well spotted GWH. This is an item we discussed before in a PM. I
can understand somebody collecting labels but not the lead seals. If
I had my way I would destroy all those seals. Both those lots came I believe
from one source as previously discussed.

I would seriously begin to question the provenance of some stuff that is entering
the market now that Irish Whiskey is on the 'UP' As the wise old Latin teacher always
stressed 'Caveat Emptor' -- still as true as ever. The person most exposed to 'Fakes'
are those entering the market now seeking to build up a collection fast. No amount
of scrutiny on a website is equal to the guy holding it in the hand twisting & turning
it & looking at label,seals etc.
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