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Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

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Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby joshualevy » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:15 am

A friend of mine has asked me to organize a Whiskey tasting. In the past, I've organized many wine tastings, and a few Scotch Whisky tastings, but never an Irish Whiskey tasting. The goal is to taste 4-6 Whiskeys and from that know what kind of Whiskeys a person likes. To narrow down the wide range of Whiskeys, so that a person knows what part of that range they like. But I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that.

(For comparison, for Scotch Whisky, it is not that hard, because there are "tasting charts" which label Whisky based on light/rich and delicate/smoky. Buy choosing one Whisky from each quadrant, and one from the middle, a person can quickly narrow their tasting preference to one region of the chart.) Unfortunately, I can not find anything like this for Irish Whiskey. Is there something like that? Or some other way to broadly categorize Whiskey tastes?

Thanks for any help.

Joshua Levy
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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby Good Whiskey Hunting » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:41 pm

Hi Joshua,

I've found one from Irish Distillers but they only have their own products.

I thought Cooleys/Kilbeggan had one but I can't find anything.
Tasting Profile.JPG
Tasting Profile.JPG (168.33 KiB) Viewed 952 times
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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby Good Whiskey Hunting » Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:01 pm

Here's a couple of early ones from the site.

They seem to contradict themselves too. The Yellow Spot was changed. They were an early addition to the site and were removed.
taste_map.PNG (23.32 KiB) Viewed 951 times
SPSMatrix.JPG (69.32 KiB) Viewed 951 times
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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby joshualevy » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:19 pm

Thanks so much! This is exactly the kind of thing that I'm looking for.
I'll see if I can find one with more/different Whiskeys. If anyone has such charts, please do post them, or links to where they are.
This is great.....

Joshua Levy
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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby Good Whiskey Hunting » Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:35 am

Sorry Joshua, I tried to find more but to no avail. I have notes on all irish whiskey I've tried. I may do up a matrix myself.
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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby joshualevy » Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:50 am

Sounds like a great project to me.
If you do it, I'll be happy to test it! And I bet you can get other people to test it as well.......

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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby Good Whiskey Hunting » Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:00 pm

I found this one on Irish Whiskey Chasers site.
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Re: Organizing Whiskeys for a Tasting

Postby IrishWhiskeyChaser » Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:11 pm

Good Whiskey Hunting wrote:I found this one on Irish Whiskey Chasers site.


This is a generic tasting wheel which should cover all the various tasting profiles that one can find in all whiskeys and would cover the peaty parts too. I know your aware of that but just to clarify to others reading :thumbsup:

Good as a tasting reference but will not not help someone looking to pigeon hole the various different Irish expressions.

Good spot though I did not even remember I had it linked. This is actually from the Whisky Mag website just so as people know. Some good info in there if you search.
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