Hi all,
I noticed these two listings here at the LCBO. Can anybody shed some light on these bottles for me? Thanks in advance!!
McFadden Spirit Drink (odd name...and strangely, but to their credit as I don't think they are required to mention it, it seems that "caramel colorant" is shown directly on the label)
Also from the same distillery (seemingly) is West Cork Original Irish Whiskey. It is not officially listed yet, but being advertised, so I can't include a link. The photo I see shows a 700 mL bottle at 40% abv. It trumpets a 'dual wood process', seemingly referring to bourbon and Irish oak. It is marked as 'coming soon' with no listing price showing. The McFadden is selling for $50, same as Jameson Select Reserve...as further reference, Black Bush is $38 and Redbreast 12 is $62.