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Blake's 25 year old Whiskey

Let's talk whiskey.

Blake's 25 year old Whiskey

Postby Raven » Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:11 pm

Colm Toibin in his book BAD BLOOD ' a walk along the Irish Border' ( Published 1987) mentions sitting
with the novelist John McGahern having a drink in Blake's pub in Enniskillen. He states that mcGahern
'still had a quantity of Blake's own twenty five year old whiskey which he had purchased over the
years; Blake's had none left.'
I presume Irish Whiskey but the passage does not clarify. Never came
across a private bar bottling with that age statement --- normally with Irish bars it was generallya 10 year
old. Anyone with Enniskillen connections able to flesh out details on this item :?:
Rundlet Cask
Posts: 233
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:13 pm

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