Hi. A lot of you may know me already. I've presented a number of IWS tastings and previously served on the society's committee. I used to have problems logging into the site, so stopped doing so, but I've always lurked.
Anyhow, I've decloaked because this week I managed to spill tea all over my laptop and fry it, which meant I nearly lost my doctoral thesis. I had to bite the bullet and go buy another computer, which I couldn't really afford, being a poor student. This lengthy preamble is by way of explaining why I am reluctantly having to rehome some of my whiskey collection. Much as I love whiskey, I need to get this thesis done, and that new laptop needs paid for.
I'm offering three bottlings which should hopefully cover the cost and might be of interest to people here.
1. The Jameson 15 year old pure potstill bottling which was released around the time of the millennium. This is the only known pure trad pot PPS finished in a sherry cask. It's almost legendary among Irish whiskey aficionados.
2. The first release of the Redbreast 15 year old. This was bottled for Maison du Whisky in 2005 in very limited quantities and sold out quickly. Most people still feel that none of the subsequent releases have come close to its quality.
3. The first ever Midleton bottling for the Celtic Whiskey shop. This, unlike subsequent bottlings, was a blend and not a PPS, and it comes closest to a single cask version of the MVR.
I have minimum prices in mind for all three, but I'm going to leave it open to offers by PM. Bear in mind, you're not just getting great whiskey, you're getting thanked in the credits of my doctoral thesis too!