More pictures. I had the current Mrs. Mullan put them up on her smugmug account. More bottles will follow, in due course. ... &k=MwGvKDQ
NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
Joel1802 wrote:Opened a bottle of this and I think it may be a fake. It was sealed with a driven cork, but it was not branded. The whisky itself is smoky, probably a malt/grain blend. The only way it wouldn't be a fake is if the 66 on the base is the year and it had something similar to Hewitts in it? I suppose it is possible.
Raven wrote:There just might be another reason.Got a similar bottle from an old Cork pub some years
back. All the label practically was gone except a scrap at bottom that suggested it was
an old bottle of Paddy. The person who gave it to me also believed it could only have
been Paddy ( and not Hewitts ). It most definitely was an Irish Whiskey . Opened the
bottle with a friend of mine who is an Irish Whiskey enthusiast. Quite a surprise to both
of us as it was a Pot Still style whiskey but it was peated . The type of Cork was a current
Midleton style Cork but all Cork and all one piece. Had to strain some of the old cork out of
the bottle. I believe the answer is to be found in our history. We in the Republic of Ireland
never had World War 2 --- we had ' The Emergency' . During that period we were getting
in very few supplies being an Island nation except for bare essentials via the brave Sailors in
the Irish shipping line. Was Whiskey classified as an essential industry at the time to the
extent that it continued to get supplied with Anthracite or did they have to use peat
which was being dug out by the Irish army all over the country ????? In Cork they were
digging up the mountains in Nadd near Kanturk. I'm posing the question--- Because of
World circumstances and in order to keep the Stills going did we resort to Scotch style
methods for a period out of necessity and until the crisis passedMaybe old receipts
in the Midleton archives for Anthracite /Peat? could well provide the answer should they