I'm going to be leading a vertical tasting of four Jameson expressions (Jameson Rarest Vintage Reserve, Jameson 18year-old Master Selection, Jameson Select Reserve and Jameson) along with Redbreast and The Wild Geese Irish Soldiers & Heroes Rare Irish Whiskey. If anyone would like to join us it is happening on March 26 at the Masonic Temple in Montreal (2295 Saint-Marc) tickets are $50 and include a tour of the Masonic Temple before the tasting.
More information is here
In the meantime (and the major reason I'm posting here) I have a couple of questions about the bottle of 18 year old that we're going to be tasting:
1. There is a line which reads "750ml 43% alc/vol B374 South Africa." I was wondering what the "B374" meant? Nevermind, I got the answer for this one, thanks Good Whiskey Hunting
2. On the front of the bottle there is a number "298038" followed by what looks like "jj i8-8" to the right of the "750ml." What does this number mean? Nevermind, I got the answer for this one, thanks Good Whiskey Hunting
3. On the back of the bottle under the bar code there is another number "L134131280 09:20" What does this number mean? Nevermind, I got the answer for this one, thanks IrishWhiskeyChaser
4. On the back of the bottle above the bar code there is something that was crossed out with a black marker by hand (probably due to SAQ regulations) can you tell what was crossed out?
5. On the neck of the bottle there is a third code number "JQ-058548" What does this number mean? Nevermind, I got the answer for this one, thanks
6. Who picks the oak casks? Is it the distiller, blender, whiskey science guy or cooper? Nevermind, I got the answer for this one, thanks IrishWhiskeyChaser
7. On the bottom of the box there is another number underneath what appears to be a recycling symbol. It is "2007337" What does this number mean? Nevermind, I got the answer for this one, thanks Good Whiskey Hunting
Thanks tons in advance, and now I will go introduce myself...