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First Editions, Yellow Spot, Do's and Don'ts for collecting

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First Editions, Yellow Spot, Do's and Don'ts for collecting

Postby scolardc » Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:42 pm

First post, be gentle with me :)

I've been hearing quite a bit about people collecting whiskey.
I find it hard not to indulge in a bottle when I know for a fact that it's delicious, but one day I'll summon the will power to just say no.
Either that or I will start buying in bulk.
With a view to that, what are the does and don't of collecting potentially valuable bottles?
How do you know if a bottle will be valuable later on?

Batch/Year Identification
Take Yellow Spot for example. I've a few bottles of it.
Will the first few batches be worth more a few years down the road?
And what do the numbers L231531374 and L213231117 mean? Are they a clue to what batch/year/etc they are?
I've searched online for both codes and found nothing.

New Spirit
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:25 pm

Re: First Editions, Yellow Spot, Do's and Don'ts for collect

Postby TheWhiskeyBro » Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:59 pm

Hi Ciaran,

L2 is the year i.e 2012

132 & 315 are the day, 11 May & 11 Nov respectively,

From a collectors point of view, it doesn't make a huge difference except in the odd case,
Open them try them side by side and which ever one is nicer is slightly more desirable, but not meaningfully so in terms of value,

An exception is the 2005 Rebreast 15 batch which was superlative... with the 2011 batch (new packaging) the nearest to the original

Regards TWB
Posts: 962
Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:44 am
Location: Sandyford, Dublin

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