I wish I'd had a Jameson night too. I polished off a bottle of the new Jameson Gold recently and it left me wanting more. I had a Jameson select reserve earlier just to warm the body.
I home early tonight and looked around to see what I'd have and found an old screw cap bottle of Bushmill's 10 year old Malt, so I broke the seal. I wish I hadn't. Very disappointed.
Is it me or was this stuff really that bad, I had the 16 recently and was not overly impressed either, but put it down to the Yellow Spot I was also sampling .
I think I'll have to find something to wash its taste out of my mouth. I know there's a bottle of Jameson Marconi open that will help me sort that. If that doesn't help I'll open a Jameson 1780 as IWC recommends.