NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:It's not just JM, I happened to over hear Dave Broom and another whiskey journalist chatting in Midleton during a launch about getting sulphur from a sample that was offered from cask. Midleton were showing us the big big sherry monsters they had and wanted to show that some like the one offered were too over powering to be bottled as a single cask. And indeed it was a monster and certainly not to every ones taste. However I am quite good at getting the sulphur note and actually like it sometimes in small doses but I could not get anything in the same sample. It certainly was heavy and meaty and not a delicate whiskey and that encounter showed me, that yes, take what "they" say with a pinch of salt.
The Yellow Spot is a wonderful whiskey but I can also see why people could mark it down. There are a few big flavours there that sometimes seem to compete against each other but that is what I like in it and may be what others don't. Your own taste is the only judge in the end and sometimes it is better to enjoy a whiskey rather than dissect it.
Yellow Spot delights me, apart from nose, flavour, etc, because it sharply divides opinions - more whiskeys like this please!
AlecM wrote:To be honest that's what I thought when reading his latest Bible. I don't like sulpher either but maybe he has an uber sensitive nose (guess that is what makes him an expert). Thanks for your thoughts!
IainB wrote:Is it possible that it's not a question of whether the sulphur exist or not but whether it's a taste you like or not.
cianc1 wrote:Where did you order it, i've been looking for a bottle?