Whiskey Pilgrim
» Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:50 pm
Dram or Boll O´Malt(the orgional Gaelic term for
quantities of whiskey..Later continued in Ireland) all very
nostalgic and whimsey romantic etc which may well impress the
Marketeering gurus....................
But Whiskey is also
for the here and now and indeed the next generation,so while i
poeticaly think of a Boll I am more in the moment when i request
a shot of malt in an old fashioned or whiskey
snifter(glencairn),Of Course here in Bizkaia Euskadi its a
"Chupito".........PS: the famous Basque Chupito is a
pre frozen shot glass in to which a cold liquer or whiskey is
poured,In my bar its a chilled Jameson or Kilbeggan
pour..interestingly enough the Famous Grouse have come up with
the Snow Grouse......begs the question to a South Pole Explorers
to the likes of Irishmen Shakelton or Creen, as to how do they
like their whiskey???.....Cooooold!!...................
your Whiskey,You Paid For It ,ask for it,Drink it how you like
!!!!and to hell with the experts or the cool set,,,
Whiskey Pilgrim, "Cock o´Bizkaia"!!