Great to see them off the mark so quickly, best of luck and looking forward to many more releases to come ...

NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:
Great to see them off the mark so quickly, best of luck and looking forward to many more releases to come ...![]()
IainB wrote:In fairness to them when they used to say they were the only Irish owned distillery they were right. The fact that they subsequently sold to Beam doesn't make what they were saying then untrue. And given the sums involved does anyone really think they should have said no out of some sort of patriotic duty?
I agree with JohnM and think that Cooley has done wonders for the Irish whiskey industry and opened up a whole range of styles that wouldn't otherwise exist. And even if you don't approve of the Beam sale I think the fact that they may be using some of the pile of money to start up again can only mean even more choice and variety on the market, not to mention the fact that I think Cooley's success is probably of more encouragement to other would be start up distillers than the ongoing huge success of Midleton. Well, that's my opinion anyway, for what it's worth.
good_whiskey_hunting wrote:I seen this on our twitter page ... 33159.html
good_whiskey_hunting wrote:More news on the West Cork Distillery in Sundays Independant.
Raven wrote:It is on sale here in the Republic. I think I paid 19 Euro for a bottle in Supervalu two/three weeks ago.I hadn't
spotted though the absence of the word 'Irish'.