Tonight we had a whiskey tasting with the local whiskey club. The theme was Irish whiskey and we started buy giving a short description of the difference in production between grain, malt, single pot still and blended whiskies. Then we tried
Jameson Irish Whiskey (5)
Greenore 6y (3)
Clontarf Single Malt (1)
Red Breast 15y (2)
Tyrconnell Single Malt (4)
We gave scores 1-5 and I have put the totalt place in () behind.
It was close between Redbreast and Clontarf as both got equal first place vote. People did agree much in putting Jameson in the bottom with mostly fiftplaces and just a few forthplace votes.
During presentastion of the result we talked a lot of each brand and the rounded up thhe evening with shrimpsandwich and a beer.