NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.

Redbreast 12yo (2008)

Midleton Whiskey tasting notes
Jameson, Midleton, Paddy, Powers, (Green & Yellow) Spot, Redbreast

Redbreast 12yo (2008)

Postby IrishWhiskeyChaser » Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:52 pm

Redbreast 12yo 40%

Nose: Mild Malt, Prunes and slight citrus copper sharpness, Some spice maybe light clove dust.

Taste: Smooth Sherry, exotic fruit, Spice, sweet gob stoppers & bitter gin married in perfect harmony.

Finish: Sprinkling of dry woody spice interlaced with soft pepper. And some of the irish pot still coolness (but no sign of mint like greenspot)

Comment: Another great pure potstill from Midleton, just don't have it after the 15yo or you'll be disappointed.
Sláinte Adrian
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