It's been pouring rain for the last few days. The book i just purchesed (("DESIGNING AND BUILDING OF AUTOMATIC STILLS BY RIKU"))) is a let down so i dug out the microscope and hooked it to the computer. I want to see if i can get some actual photo of yeast budding. I was planning to dEstill the poteen wash but its so wet on the deck, i might get electrocuted.
Besides the rain i still have about 35 pounds of barley to mash and ferment into a wash.
Since yeast has always played a major part in the making of whiskey, i have been studying as much as i can about it and how it produces diferent flavors under diferent conditions.
Naturally since there are about 1500 variteys of yeast only a true brewmaster could choose which one to use.
Tkese 2 pictures are of lalvin ec1118 which i use for making vodka because it can handle 18 percent wash and makes very little flavors.

The rectangular shape confused me but i believe it is this way becuse of clumping duringdehydration

i believe that this is a single yeast cell that is in the process of budding.