Impossible question to answer in one way but I'd probably have to be honest and go for Midleton.
As in "Terms of Produce" I think I would have slightly more favourites from IDL than the others. However in "Precentage Terms of Produce" it would be Bushmills. And in "terms of most interesting produce" it has to be Cooley.
For me
from IDL
Jameson 12yo, Greenspot, Redbreast 15yo, Powers nas & 12yo are most goto bottlings from them.
Bushmills would be
Blackbush, Bushmills 1608 & Single Sherry casks (uuummmm

Tyrconnell 10yo Maderia, COnnemara Cask strength & single casks, Cadenheads single casks as well as numerous single cask independents.
Where do youi draw the line
Very mean poll there JohnM