NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:One of my Mulessupplied me with an Ardmore traditional Cask (46%) and an Aberfeldy 12yo (40%) both 1litres for a grand total €65. Probably should be posting this in the Bargain forum but unless your traveling through Schipol maybe not much use to you. Great deal though and the Aberfeldy is really nice (for the price).Well Rounded and rich with a nice spicey charachter to it.
chamolk wrote:Just received my bottle of Bushmills millennium reserve and now I've got a quandry - do i drink or save?
Alicja wrote:Glen Garioch 1797 Founders Reserve and Irishman Founders Reserve Irish Whiskey
mawhinney wrote:Drink it laddie! Whiskey is for drinking; stamps are for collecting.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:Sad ... and even sadder is the fact is my last 7 Whiskey purchases where not whiskey but Whisky (all down to price / value ratio) and the 2 Irish previous to that were single cask 21yo Cooley peated from a Scottish bottler for a fair price of circa €75 each, how much is Teeling charging for their 21year olds.
Out of all those 9 bottles only 1 was a blend and 1 was a NAS single malt but both were 1liter versions so added value there also. So if I use an average of 5 years for these and take an average age for my Whisky bought and average price for that same whiskey is goes to 12.25 years average and €49.70 average per bottle. Not overly scientific but enough for me to be shocked by current Irish prices.
How can IDL justify Jameson 12 yo at circa €60-65 is beyond me ... parallel to Redbreast 12 and substantially less than powers 12yo which still seems to be around the €50 mark and less in places. Further more Tullamore Dew 12 is circa €43 hhhmm I wonder where that is made
and that is comparable to the Market leader 12yo in scotch The Glenlivet 12yo. The last bottle of Jameson 12 I bought was €27 in Tesco be it 7 or so years ago but to over double in that time is crazy especially when other brands have only increased slightly above inflation in the same period.
The Irish stance has always been not to compare itself to scotch but at the end of the day the buyer will...
So no of offence to Irish whiskey producers/bottlers but they really are taking the preverbials on their pricing strategies these days and I fear it will back fire on them. Trying to turn core whiskeys into super premium is more in danger of harming your brand rather than elevating it in my opinion.
Just a thought and rant over
JohnM wrote:The Cairdeas is another one that's going up in price... Think it's £65 or thereabouts this year.