Here's a list of all winners in the World Whisky Awards.
As for the Irish:
Worlds Best Pot Still- Green Spot Chateau Leoville Barton(CLB)
Best Irish Pot Still- Green Spot CLB
Best Irish Pot Still NAS- Green Spot CLB
Redbreast 12 got a gold medal.
Best Irish Blend- Tullamore DEW Trilogy
Best Blend 12+- Tullamore DEW Trilogy
Best NAS Blend- Jameson
Caskmates got a gold medal too.
Best Irish Grain- Teeling's
Best Irish malt- Teeling 24
Best Irish Malt 21+ -Teeling's 24
Best Irish Malt 12-20- Teeling's 15 Revival
Best Irish Malt 12 & under - Dunville's PX
Best Irish Malt NAS -Teeling's