NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
good_whiskey_hunting wrote:I've heard a rumour that a Yellow spot is soon to be launched by Irish distillers. Doe's anyone have any knowledge about it? If true will it be a 12 year old,and hopefully nor €850 a bottle and limited to 200..........
IainB wrote:It could be a 1 mth old sps yellow spot poitin for €900. Probably not though.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:Pre 1920's the line up was as follows.
Greenspot 5yo
DavidH wrote:IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:Pre 1920's the line up was as follows.
Greenspot 5yo
Are you sure about that? It would have been young for a whiskey at the time and I've never seen Green Spot listed as a 5yo anywhere.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:DavidH wrote:IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:Pre 1920's the line up was as follows.
Greenspot 5yo
Are you sure about that? It would have been young for a whiskey at the time and I've never seen Green Spot listed as a 5yo anywhere.
Contary to our romantic notions of the wonderful very old whiskey sold in the days of old it is actually the very opposite.
DavidH wrote:YupAnd you know I'll be taking notes so whatever I learn there will end up on the blog shortly afterwards.