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Irish-American Blends

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Irish-American Blends

Postby Fionnán » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:19 pm

I was reading the email about the AGM and the mention of the arcane blend of american whiskey and william jameson distillery product and a riend of mine in the bar scene in america wanted to know if this was a common practice pre-prohibition or a one-off novelty product and, if the former, if i knew of any other examples of this kind of transatlantic blending. I've never heard of anything myself but i promised i'd put the question to you lot to see if anyone knows a little more about it.


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Re: Irish-American Blends

Postby Fionnán » Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:47 pm

also, any information on the proportions of irish whiskey and american whiskey in the william jameson would be much appreciated if anyone knows. Is it rye in the american side or what?
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Re: Irish-American Blends

Postby DavidH » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:01 pm

There is an event page for every tasting we do. This is the one for the President's Selection: ... 2011-11-24

You can click through on the photos at the bottom to the Flickr site, where you can just about read the label. I copied the important stuff off it into the notes on the page linked above though. I don't believe anything else is known about it though Leo can correct me if I'm wrong. 25% Irish, 75% American anyway. Not known if rye or bourbon but it did recall our rye tasting earlier in the year for me.
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