NOTE: This forum is no longer active. This is an archive copy of the forum as it was on 10 March 2018.
cathach wrote:if you liked the above you may like this. Its a 1978 version of Link Wray and the wonderfully eerie 'Rumble'.
JohnM wrote:Peter Green used to play in Ireland a lot when he came back. Think he gave up guitar for years and years. Bluesbreakers had some great stuff, both with him and with Clapton. Prefer Green to Clapton myself.
IrishWhiskeyChaser wrote:JohnM wrote:Peter Green used to play in Ireland a lot when he came back. Think he gave up guitar for years and years. Bluesbreakers had some great stuff, both with him and with Clapton. Prefer Green to Clapton myself.
We'll just say he left the room for a while
Personally I'd rate Green over Clapton
Saw Green last year in Limerick ... the only Mac tune he played was Albatros the rest were all really old style blues stuff. He does not have the skill he used to but still great ... very enjoyable night.
IainB wrote:
Bloody hell that's impressive!
IainB wrote:Sure while we're showing off cousins here's one of mine:
By the way on the subject of Richard Thompson did you ever come across his "1000 years of popular music".
He was asked in the run up to yr 2000, along with lots of others, for his best songs of the millenium. Unlike the rest he decided to submit a list covring about 900 years. It wasn't published but it gave him the idea for a series of concerts covering music from the previous 800 years - not everything is to my taste but it's completely fascinating - it ranges from an 800 yr old song in old english to britney spears.
Well worth a look.
DavidH wrote:So many familiar names from my past coming up here. I was greatly taken by the blues guitar as a young lad but I haven't listened to that genre in years. Does anybody remember Johnny Norris? He used to gig in Dublin and his acoustic blues playing blew me away.
A lot of great finger-pickers come to mind but here's one:
Tommy Emmanuel
My first job was in a supermarket where the same damn tape played on a loop day in day out. There is only one of those tracks that I don't hate to this day. In fact, the more I listened to Stanley Jordan playing Eleanor Rigby, the more I liked it.